Start shipping from Ontario today! We’ve partnered up with the best shipping companies in your area to offer you the cheapest rates and the fastest delivery times.
If you want to ship your packages from Ontario with DHL Express
If you want to ship your packages from Ontario with LSO,
If you want to ship your packages from Ontario with Fedex,
If you want to ship your packages from Ontario with USPS,
If you want to ship your packages from Ontario with UPS,
You can ship your packages from Ontario all over the US and internationally. Choose the service you want such as Ground, Expedited or Next Day Air depending on your needs. .

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How to prep your boxes

When preparing your packages, it is necessary that they meet certain requirements to make sure they’re easy to transport and be handled by the carrier's personnel.
Your products need to be packed properly.
Envía paquetería shipping courrier
If you’re unsure on how to prep your boxes we suggest you contact the carrier company of your choosing for more detailed information.

What is the difference between shipping locally, domestically and internationally?

Local Shipping:
Local Shipping:
These are shipments that you can make anywhere within your city and its metropolitan area, they’re usually faster and cheaper.
Discounted Domestic Shipping:
Discounted Domestic Shipping:
These are shipments that are made within the country of origin. The transit times may vary between 1 and 5 days depending on the service you choose.
Discounted International Shipping:
Discounted International Shipping:
These are shipments made to other countries, they usually take longer than domestic shipment and are subject to taxes and duties from the country of the receiver.

Now that you know a bit more about the world of shipping, start printing your labels today.

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